Treats From Italy

What am I gonna do with this pasta?

It’s lemon flavored. My parents brought it and a bunch of other goodies back with them from their trip to Italy.


I’m very excited about the pasta, but I’m just not sure what kind of sauce to make with it, or if I should just dress it with some olive oil and parmesan. I don’t know… major life decision.

They also brought back some delicious chocolates, which are also lemon flavored (and they have some kind of alcohol).

They’re hard to explain… They’re almost like malted milk ball lemon drops (with booze in them), and when you bite into one, you get a rush of lemony flavor. I haven’t had anything quite like them before.

I’m really excited about this cute tabby cat-themed garland and journal, too, because I love old-timey maps, and the paper is handmade and really thick (I believe that the garland kitty is holding a fruitcake).

The notebook and the garland came inside these amazing little bags, and I’ve always thought that bags from foreign places look really amazing because you can see the addresses and the language.


They’re like getting a souvenir with the souvenir.

שכונה ידידותית שלך מכור יופי,


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